TRAINING (2.4.1)

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Science on Stage Festival 2015

Illuminating Science Education

Luogo della manifestazione

Queen Mary University
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS

Punto d'incontro

Queen Mary University
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS

Science on Stage went Britannia: From 17-20 June 2015, 350 primary and secondary school teachers from all over Europe and Canada were buzzing around over four days in London.

Flyer Science on Stage Europe 2015

Under the motto “Illuminating Science Education” teachers enthused each other and shared experiments and teaching ideas for science, technology and mathematics education at stands, in workshop and on stage.
Science on Stage UK was proud to host the festival at the People's Palace at Queen Mary, University of London right in the heart of London's vibrant East End.
The participating science teachers have been selected in 2014 through competitive national events in 25 countries. National Steering Committees (NSCs) have been responsible for the calls for proposals.

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T. Dias & J. Serment London 2015

Temi associati

Science on Stage London 2015 - 2

Workshop Science on Stage Switzerland 2016

Science on Stage Switzerland organizza un workshop il pomeriggio di mercoledì 8 giugno 2016 a Losanna. Lo scopo è di far conoscere, a tutti gli insegnanti interessati, l’esperienza vissuta dalle

Lauréats suisses - Science on Stage London 2015

Deux enseignants suisses reçoivent l'«European Science Teacher Award»

Pendant le festival Science on Stage 2015, 17-20 juin à Londres, des enseignantes et enseignants ont pu partager leurs expériences et idées d’enseignement en sciences, technologie et mathématiques. Onze enseignants

Science on Stage Flyer 2015

Modèle pour Strasbourg et Bruxelles : des enseignants de toute l’Europe montrent comment le travail de formation fonctionne à la base

Un excellent enseignement n’est pas une question de réforme : cela dépend de l’enseignant. Les meilleurs enseignants de sciences naturelles d’Europe le prouvent lors du festival Science on Stage 2015.


  • Formazione dei giovani talenti
Lingue: Inglese