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24th Swiss Global Change Day

#SGCD24 🌐

Luogo della manifestazione

Freies Gymnasium Bern
Beaulieustrasse 55
3012 Bern

The Swiss Global Change Day is the annual event organised by ProClim where well-known experts present challenges and highlights of climate and global change research covering a broad range of topics. It is also an opportunity to present research results by posters and to discuss them with colleagues. The most attractive and comprehensive posters submitted by students and postdocs will be honoured with a travel award of 1000 francs.

Swiss Global Change Day Teaser


Register now until 7 April 2024:

Registration link



  • Valentina Bosetti (Bocconi University, Milan): Decarbonization Transition: Navigating the Challenges
  • Sabine Fuss (Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change, Berlin): Cleaning up after ourselves: The role of carbon dioxide removal for reaching the Paris climate goals
  • Robert Jnglin Wills (ETH Zurich): From global change to regional weather and climate impacts: What we know and remaining uncertainties
  • ​Géraldine Pflieger (University of Geneva): Exchange of experience on COP28
  • Nicolas Senn (University of Lausanne): Pathways towards net-zero healthcare systems
  • Thomas Stocker (University of Bern): Why we need an IPCC Special Report on Tipping Points
  • Diana Ürge-Vorsatz (Central European University, Vienna): confirmed, subject to change

Poster Session:

This event is an opportunity for students and post-docs to present research results by posters and to discuss them with colleagues. The most attractive and comprehensive posters will be honoured with a travel award of 1000 francs which allows the winners to attend an international conference in the current year. The poster awards are sponsored by ACP, SAGW and ProClim.

Posters can be submitted in the following categories:

  • Geosphere | Biosphere
  • Atmosphere | Hydrosphere
  • Human Dimensions | Sustainability

If you would like to enter the poster contest, please register for the event first and in good time. As soon as you have registered, you will receive a separate e-mail with further instructions on how to submit your poster.

Deadline for submitting your poster is 2 April 2024, 12:30 noon. No timely submission, no contest. The submitted poster (pdf file, max. 10 MB) will be used by the jury to evaluate it in advance and to determine the winner of the poster award. The timely and correct submission is the sole responsibility of the poster contest participants.

You have the possibility to present your poster without entering the contest – no pdf submission required then.

Please read the Terms and Conditions for participation in the poster session and the contest:
24th Swiss Global Change Day: Terms and Conditions for participation and Criteria for the poster evaluation

Scientific Organisations: Would like to present your organisation and its work with a poster or/and stand? Get in touch with us directly:


  • Cambiamento globale


ProClim − Forum per il clima e i cambiamenti globali (ProClim)
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna

Presentazione del poster
(This only applies to people entering the Poster Contest) 12:30 noon on: 02.04.2024


CHF 80.– (Standard)
CHF 40.– (Student)
CHF 0.– (Speaker, Jury and ProClim Steering Committee)
Lingue: Inglese