TRAINING (2.4.1)

Il centro di competenza s’impegna per la ricerca della biodiversità. Si prende cura del dialogo e della collaborazione tra scienziati e responsabili di decisioni nell’amministrazione, politica, economia e società.di più

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ABS tools elaborated by the Swiss Academy of Sciences

Project on Access and Benefit-sharing in Latin America and the Caribbean: A science-policy dialogue for academic research

A set of documents was produced by this project:

The annexes in PDF to the long document that encompass descriptions of ABS or ABS-related national implementation systems and case studies of academic research and ABS.

Implementation in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico.

Case studies in Argentina (reference AR in document), Bolivia (BO), Brazil (BR1, BR2, BR3 & BR4), Brazil with Swiss researchers (CH-BR), Colombia (CO1 & CO2), Costa Rica (CR), Ecuador (EC), Mexico (ME) and Peru (PE).

Other publications:

Biber-Klemm S, Martinez SI (2015) Experiences in accessing biological resources for non-commercial research: Results of an informal survey in Switzerland. In: Kamau EC, Winter G, Stoll PT (eds) Research and Development on genetic resources – public domain approaches in implementing the Nagoya Protocol. Routledge New York and London: 175-180.

Biber-Klemm S, Davis K, Gautier L, Kiehn M, Martinez SI (2015) Ex situ collections of plants and how they adjust to ABS conditions. In: Kamau EC, Winter G, Stoll PT (eds) Research and Development on genetic resources – public domain approaches in implementing the Nagoya Protocol. Routledge New York and London: 207-225.

Biber-Klemm S, Davis K, Gautier L, Martinez SI (2013) Governance options for ex-situ collections in academic research. In: Oberthür S, Rosendal KG (eds) Global governance of genetic resources: Access and benefit sharing after the Nagoya Protocol. Routledge, New York and London: 213-230pp. (Link)

Martinez SI, Biber-Klemm S (2010) Scientists – take action for access to biodiversity. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2:27-33 (Link)